Seema’s Blog
The 3 Most Common Disruptors of Sleep
Even if your child is an independent sleeper with predictable nap and bedtime schedules, settles into sleep and loves their crib (Yes that is absolutely a thing) there will be times where you may/will notice some disruptions to their sleep. It is inevitable that...
Making the Transition to One Nap
There are so many transitions your little one will face in the first 18 months, developmentally and with sleep. Dropping from two naps to one, is one of them. Every child is different and has different sleep needs. Typically this transition can occur anywhere between...
Sleep and Older Children – From 5 to 8 Years Old
Did you know that I work with children up to 8 Years old? I actually love working with this age group for a number of reasons. One of them ishearing about the pride children feel when they are able to do the one thing that seemsto come so easily to their friends and...
When Should I Sleep Train My Baby?
When should I sleep train my baby is a common question that parents often ask themselves. Some decide at the four-month mark, and some are still asking that question when their kiddo is 7 or 8 years old. Let me be honest here; it will never feel like the right...
Help my Baby is Falling Asleep Standing
If you’re reading this, you’ve likely got a little one that’s been falling asleep in an awkward position. Or you’ve heard that it can be an issue and you’re looking to learn how to deal with it ahead of time. So your baby has learned to stand up! Congratulations...
Quarantine Survival Guide
What can I say? These past few weeks have been... I mean, wow. Right? Just wow. If you’re in the same boat as most parents in the world, you’ve had to accommodate the fact that your kids were suddenly and unexpectedly given an extra four months of summer vacation. And...

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